Article details - About the Editor
New Insights into the Glorious Heritage of Manipur

Editor of the compendium: Dr. H. Dwijasekhar Sharma

About the Editor: Dr. H. Dwijasekhar Sharma

Perambulating from European Unions's economic integration in his doctoral research, he noticed the incongruence of 'vulnerable' North-East India, of which Manipur an enclave microstate virtually limping from econocide since colonial days, and still deprived of its due share in three revolutions: industrial, information-technology (IT) and globalization (market). Hitherto lying 'unspoilt' the NE region's biodiversity - itself ethno-culturally more aligned to South-East Asia - now offer unprecedented prospects during Ban ki-Moon's 'green economic revolution' in the 21st century.

His mantra � both while teaching in (D.M.College, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade & Manipur University) and practising economics (2nd Manipur Pay Commission, 1st Manipur Finance Commission, Consultant, Manipur Sericulture Project, etc) � is the need to confront change as the only way to survive. His first love is: how to transform identity-torn 'necessitous men' into 'economic men' by eliminating deprivation; and by regenerating peaceable, healthy and creativity-driven NE Indians in a congenial environment, thus contouring as the best fitment of a 'bridgehead' (after Ancient Silk Road) to the upcoming East Asian Community: ASEAN + 3 (China, Korea & Japan) + 3 (India, Australia & N. Zealand) - itself an 'economic powerhouse' in an increasingly oligopsonistic (a la fossil fuel) global market.

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